Connectivity Solutions
Reliable, secure and resilient Connectivity is key to every business. CSL Reality have years of experience in designing, delivering and managing Connectivity solutions for our customers.
From Fibre Ethernet Leased Line Service for your Head Office, Fibre to the Premise (FTTP) or Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) for smaller offices, retail or hospitality stores, or home workers, we provide all of the connectivity that you will need at a price that is right for each solution.
The connectivity, when designed, sized and secured in the right way lays the foundation for all of our other Services such as Cloud Computing, Email, Cloud Backup, Unified Communications and Secure VPN Access.
Download our guide - 'What To Look For In A Data Provider'
Head Office
Our High Speed Internet Connectivity over Dedicated Fibre provides the reasurance that you need. With a 6 hr Resolution from the dedicated Fibre Field Engineers your office will always be connected.
Prices start at £250 per month for this type of service, however if there are alternative High Speed Solutions avialable we will discuss these with you.
We can also provide the right Security Appliance (Firewall) to ensure that your Office is proteccted and deliver add-on services such as IDS and IDP, Site-to-Site VPN and Secure Remote Access VPN Solutions.
Our Flexible Fibre Ethernet solutions can also provide dedicated Access to your Public or Private Cloud Provider.
Retail & Hospitality
For High Street retail and Hospitality Stores we provide a range of cost effective Broadband Solutions.
Wherever possible & available we recommend Fibre to the Premise (FTTP) or Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) services. These deliver reliable High Speed data connections, and multiple services can be designed together to provide additional resilience when required.
When Fibre Broadband is not avialable we can offer legacy ADSL2+ Broadband services.
Additional 4G/5G fixed Data connectivity is also avialble to get sites connected quicky, or to act as a failover connection in event of Broadband failures.
Our range of fully Managed Routers and Firewalls ensure that stores are kept secure and online.
Home Workers
Our Home Worker solutions provide the flexibility that you need where employees need to be as productive as possible when they are not in the office.
We have a range of Business Grade Home broadband solutions, or where employees want to use their existing Home Broadband we can provide secure VPN Services to provide access to core server data, as well as Cloud Telephony solutions to ensure that business calls are never missed wherever you are working.